Report claims that Tesla’s Autopilot feature is dangerous

On Behalf of | May 28, 2019 | Lexington Kentucky Personal Injury Law Blog, Personal Injury |

The automotive innovations from Tesla might excite some consumers in Kentucky. However, the Autopilot technology in Tesla failed to impress researchers with Consumer Reports. The respected publication known for its product reviews reported that Tesla’s Navigate on Autopilot feature took actions more dangerous than human drivers. The publication’s senior director of auto testing described monitoring the system as more difficult than simply driving. He said the system required human intervention as if an inexperienced child operated the vehicle.

The automatic lane changing function, an optional feature in the Autopilot, troubled car testers because it changed lanes when other vehicles were too close. In some cases, the system initiated car passing in violation of state laws. The testers reported that they frequently had to take action to stop the Autopilot from making unsafe maneuvers.

In response to the rough review from Consumer Reports, Tesla issued a statement that emphasized that its Autopilot system was meant for use with human supervision. The company also said that its customers have driven millions of miles safely while using the system. According to the National Transportation Safety Board, however, three fatal accidents in the United States have been blamed on the Tesla Autopilot.

Until further technological breakthroughs occur, car accidents will continue to be a hazard to Kentucky roadways. Someone who has been hurt by a negligent driver may seek compensation via a personal injury claim. An attorney might prevent an insurance company from forcing a low settlement on someone. Furthermore, an attorney could identify insurance coverage and assemble documentation to support a client’s claim for medical expenses and lost income.

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