Signs & Symptoms Of Nursing Home Neglect & Abuse

Watching Out For Improper Treatment In Lexington Nursing Homes

Nursing home abuse is a national concern defined as an intentional infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation, care deprivation or punishment that results in physical harm, pain or mental anguish. Specific types of nursing home abuse include assault and battery, prolonged deprivation of food or water, and improper use of physical restraints. In many cases, nursing home residents cannot easily protect themselves from abuse because they are dependent on the very people doing them harm.

Identifying Nursing Home Abuse Symptoms

Unfortunately, the signs and symptoms of nursing home abuse can be difficult to recognize and link to their cause. Abuse symptoms may be mistaken for signs of dementia or of an elderly person’s frailty, and it’s easy for nursing home staff to explain away abuse symptoms as signs of mental deterioration if you raise questions or show concern. However, if you notice your loved ones become tense around a certain caregiver or changes in your loved one’s personality or behavior, look out for other signs and symptoms of nursing home abuse, such as:

  • Unexplained injuries, including bruises, welts or scars, especially if they appear symmetrically on both sides of the body
  • Bed injuries and bedsores
  • Serious or frequent falls
  • Reports of medication overuse or underuse
  • Marks on wrists
  • Instances of wandering
  • Rapid weight loss or weight gain
  • Unsanitary and unclean conditions
  • You are not allowed to speak with your family member alone
  • Reluctance to speak in staff member’s presence

Needless to say, undue physical and emotional pain, seclusion and premature death should not be part of the nursing home experience. By looking out for signs and symptoms of nursing home abuse, you can help ensure your loved one does not suffer serious injury at the hands of an inattentive or malicious caregiver. Do not remain quiet if you suspect your loved one is the victim of nursing home abuse.

If You See Signs Of Nursing Home Abuse, We Can Help!

Please contact O’Brien Batten Kirtley & Coomer, PLLC, if you’ve seen signs of abuse in a Lexington, Kentucky-area nursing home. During a free initial consultation, we can discuss your options for protecting your loved one and obtaining compensation for any injuries he or she has sustained.